

To use this command you will have to install Deovi with the feature scrapping.

The scrapping tool stands on TMDb API to get TV serie details and cover. Details are written to manifest along the cover into the given destination.

The first purpose of this scrapping tool is to create manifest suitable with collector from collect.


  1. First you will need a TMDb account;

  2. Then create an API key;

  3. You will give this key to the command else it won’t be able to request the TMDb API;

Giving API key to command

Either you give it directly as a string with option --key:

deovi scrap [TVID] [DESTINATION] --key your-key

Or you can save your key into a file like tmdb-api-key.txt (and only the key, nothing else) and give it with option --filekey:

deovi scrap [TVID] [DESTINATION] --filekey tmdb-api-key.txt


Actually only TV serie shows are implemented for scrapping. When you need to request for a show details you will have to give its ID since Deovi does not implement show discovering from a title or any other field.

So to get this ID you will need first to browser TMDb site, find a show and go to its details page. The ID is not very obvious, it is in the show details page URL.

For example with the show The Outer Limits, its url should be:

Where its ID is:


Manifest and poster files

When using the scrap command you have to give a destination path which is a directory dedicated to a single TV show. It needs to be dedicated since manifest and poster files have a generic name that would overwrite any previous files from another show.

So when the command succeed to retrieve a show details, you will possibly have these files into the destination directory:


The manifest file in YAML format which will contains all details returned by the TMDb API and is suitable with collector from collect command.

If a previous manifest file already existed in the destination directory it will be totally overwritten by a new one. However if there is any differences between old and new manifest, they will be showed and possibly stored into a manifest.diff.txt (see below).


If there was already a manifest file in the destination directory, it will be overwritten with the new one.

You can ask to store a resume of differences along the manifest file with option --write-diff, it will contains something like this:

Item root['ping'] removed from dictionary.
Item root['genres'][2] removed from iterable.

This file is not really observed by the scrapper, you will need to remove it yourself and it can be overwritten by a following run of the scrapper.


If show has a poster image, it will be downloaded and written with this name.

Previous existing cover file can be overwritten by a following run of the scrapper.


TMDb support many languages for details contents. You just have to give the right language code to the command to get content in a specific language, obviously it must be supported on TMDb.


The details contents and poster image are affected by your language choice.

For example if you require to get details in french you would just have to ask for it with option --language:

deovi scrap [TVID] [DESTINATION] --language fr

The default language used in command is “english”, so you don’t need to ask for it explicitely.


For example, we want to get the details from TV show The Outer Limits in french into directory scrapped/the-outer-limits:

deovi scrap 21567 ./scrapped/the-outer-limits --language fr

That would write the following files to given destination:

├── cover.png
└── manifest.yaml